The Project Team will moderate this site in order to ensure a productive and safe environment where people can engage with the project or each other without feeling intimidated.

Think positively about your participation. This is an opportunity for you to input your ideas and contribute to the project.

Participation Rules

We have the right to edit or remove any content submitted by a user. This can include, but not be limited to:

  • Personal attacks on other participants or staff
  • Personal information about any of the participants or staff
  • Offensive language including profanity
  • Comments that are discriminatory of people’s gender, race, religion, culture, sexual preference, appearance or background
  • Links to any advertising or illegal material
  • Spamming of comments

Participation Guidelines

  • Contribute constructive discussions and comments while respecting the views of other people
  • Only post content that suitable for anyone (including young children) to view
  • Ensure you have received permission to post any images or intellectual property of third parties
  • Do not spam either by posting irrelevant websites or by re-posting your comment
  • Avoid rude and dismissive comments

Remember that comments submitted through this platform are public and are visible. Personal contact information/details will not be shared. However, username details that you enter will show publicly and submitted e-mail information may be used for and submitted e-mail information may be used for future correspondence related to project updates.